Voxman Music Wins AIA Award

Voxman School of Music Wins AIA Award of Merit

University of Iowa Building Honored in Seattle

AIA Seattle’s Honor Awards for Architecture is a nationally-recognized program that explores and honors projects designed by architects throughout the state of Washington. This annual program provides an important opportunity for the design community to share and celebrate its achievements both among practitioners and with the community at-large.

The Voxman Music Building embraces a collaborative and exploratory student-driven model of education immersed in the downtown core of Iowa City. The building shares musical discovery with the community through its transparent expression and composition of spaces. Conceptually, the pattern of streets and open spaces in this mixed-use urban district extends directly into the multi-level interior spaces, bringing vertical urban vitality and civic presence to the School of Music.

Read More at the AIA Awards Page for this project or our Project Case Study.


