LEED Project Experience

USGBC LEED Project Experience

DesignEngineers Main Stairs Design Engineers has been using sustainable design principles since our inception over 30 years ago. We believe that the foundation of sustainable systems is simple, intuitive and flexible design. The long-term viability of systems depends on these characteristics.

Sustainable design is efficient design, but it is also uncomplicated, easy to understand, and adaptable to change. Anything less will not maintain its efficiency over the life of the system, and will ultimately become a drain on resources rather than a savings.

Proof of our commitment to sustainable design is our own office space, which was LEED Gold certified in 2010. We were the first and are still the only engineering firm in Iowa to have their offices located in a LEED-certified facility. We are particularly proud of achieving the maximum possible LEED points for energy efficiency including points for exemplary performance.

USGBC Member StampAs sustainable design has become more formalized, we have continued to develop our expertise in this area and are corporate members of the US Green Building Council. In addition, we have ten LEED-accredited professionals on staff. We are committed to the principles of minimizing non-renewable energy use, responsible water use and enhancing the quality of both the built and natural environments.

Year Project Description Location LEED Status
2013 Williamsburg Library Williamsburg Gold
2013 Coralville Transit and Parks Facility Coralville Gold
2013 UI Dental Science Building Addition Iowa City Gold
2013 Iowa City Fire Station #4 Iowa City Gold
2013 Dubuque Airport Terminal Dubuque Registered
2013 Midwest One Bank Iowa City Registered
2012 Johnson County Communications Center Iowa City Gold
2011 St. Patrick’s Church Iowa City Gold
2011 Van Meter Iowa City Gold
2011 Washington Library Washington Certified
2010 UI Beckwith Boathouse Iowa City Gold
2010 Coralville Fire Station Coralville Gold
2010 Design Engineers Office Cedar Rapids Gold
2010 Davenport Police Facility Davenport Gold
2009 Iowa City Fire Station #2 Iowa City Gold
2009 Willow Wind School Iowa City Gold
2008 AEGON Daycare Cedar Rapids Gold
2011 UI School of Music Replacement Iowa City Registered
2011 Cedar Rapids Central Fire Station Cedar Rapids Registered
2011 UI West Campus Residence Hall Iowa City Registered
2010 UI Art Building Replacement Iowa City Registered
2010 Cedar Rapids Library Cedar Rapids Registered
2010 UI Dental Science Building Ph Two Iowa City Registered
2010 Linn County Options Cedar Rapids Registered

Download the Project Case Study:  icon_PDF  LEED Experience 2013
